„From a technical point of view my work is very divers and therefore not easy to categorize, as content and current issues are at the heart of my work. My artistic practice is often based on concepts that I develop from research work. Important aspects for me in my work are also subversion, humor and rebelliousness, which is why my art practice in part takes place clandestine and outside the art world.„
Her work in recent years has focused on video, digital image processing, participatory interventions in public space and undercover projects in different Europaen countries.
Kate Burgener (*1957) grew up in the UK. She works as a visual artist at PROGR Berne Switzerland, where she received a promotion studio by the City of Bern from 2010-14. After graduating in art education from the Lucerne School of Arts and Crafts in 1988, she attended the video class at the SfG Bern and obtained an ex. Master "Cultural & Gender Studies in Art, Media, Design" 2005 at the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK and 2016 a guest at the Berlin University of Arts.
She worked in addition as an art lecturer and researcher at the University of Education in Berne for 14 years, developed 2017 a CAS "Video Art" for the Academy of the Arts Berne and was a member of the board of the cinema art museum Berne for 10 years.
She is represented in the Sikart lexicon CH with several works and in 5 publications.
Among others she exhibited
art works at the
Ars Electronica Festival Linz (A)
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (CH)
The museum of the future, Ars Electronica Center Linz (A)
net.culture.space, Museumsquartier Wien (A)
experimental Videofestival Bideodromo, Bilbao (E)
Projektspace Kunstmuseum Berne and
Kunsthalle Basel (CH)
in public spaces as Geneva / Lucerne / Berne and Berlin (D)
Swiss galleries and annual exhibitions
Art in architecture
1994 Church windows of the reformed church in Corgémont Bernese Jura in co-operation with Juerg Luedi